Veterinary practice Laakkwartier

ramona frogs

Changed opening hours from 21-08-2023

Changed opening hours from 21-08-2023

Change in opening hours: From Monday (21-08-2023), the practice will be closed between 12:00 and 13:00. Both the front desk and telephone will be closed at that time. For life-threatening... Read more

Vaccinate your rabbit.

Vaccinate your rabbit.

Two serious and contagious viral diseases occur in rabbits. Myxomatosis and VHD (Viral Haemorrhagic Disease), also known as RHD. RHD occurs in type 1 and type 2. Myxomatosis Myxomatosis... Read more

The danger of grass eels!

The danger of grass eels!

At this time of year, grass hairs are plentiful again. These grass hairs, also known as "crawlers", can cause annoying problems for your pet. Especially dogs, but also... Read more